Friday, 11 April 2008

The Course Evaluation

I'd presented the 'continue-stop-start' model for giving feedback on the course, but when we got down to it, the students preferred an open-ended discussion. My role during the giving of the feedback was to keep silent and write it down. Here's a summary of what they said:

They enjoyed the course, they experienced surprisingly few technical problems, and they felt they'd learned what it was they'd joined the course to learn. The course planning worked well (with one exception - see below), and they felt that they got the right kind of feedback from me at the right time.

The suggestion which came forward for next time was to increase the period between Assessments 2 and 3 by one week (i.e. have a two-week break instead of a one-week one). This had occurred to me after the event too … and I'll introduce this next time. When I was planning the course, I was concerned about its momentum and dynamic, but, in hindsight, I think that the group had sufficient momentum by this stage, so an extra week isn't going to slow things down.

All in all, the group felt that they'd had a very positive experience - and that the experience of working in world was generally very good indeed.

I'll make a post next week summing up my feelings about the whole experience too!

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