Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Assessment 2

I've just made an announcement on the course blog about Assessment 2 which takes place tomorrow evening. This is what I said:

Tomorrow evening we'll be doing Assessment 2, the Role Play exam. The exam itself is about traffic problems and your task will be to come to a decision about how to solve the traffic problems of your town. You'll find a full description of the task on the Traffic Problems worksheet on the Assessment 2 page (in the Business Pages section of the website).

You'll get a mark out of 40 for this task, broken down like this:

Communicative Ability: 25 marks
Fluency: 10 marks
Accuracy: 5 marks

And here's the description from the How to Pass the Course page of what these actually mean:

Communicative ability is your ability to send the message you think you’re sending and to receive the messages other people think they’re sending. You also need to respond to those messages appropriately.

Fluency is the degree to which your language flows - without you losing the thread or searching too long for an appropriate word.

Accuracy covers the same factors in all three types of assessment.

Tomorrow evening I'll be largely observing what you do … but I'll intervene to help you all if your role play is getting stuck. If I do intervene (which might well *not* happen), I won't necessarily talk directly to the person who might need some help. I could just as easily manoeuvre someone else into helping them!

Just as I did with Assessment 1, I'll give you some general feedback immediately after the role play - and send you some more detailed feedback - and a mark - privately afterwards.

Good luck with Assessment 2!

See you on Kamimo at 6.30 pm CET tomorrow evening (Thursday, 3rd April).

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