Tuesday, 5 February 2008

And a bit more …

It's a hectic day today. I've got four course starts in four days …

We had to change the time for the first group on Thursday to make sure that Bryan's first group could make it. Bryan was on-line early (his) morning, and we sorted the exact details in a Skype call. Actually what we did was to share a common picture of what would happen on Thursday, so I'll be in world at about 3.30 pm our time and meet up with him just before we start (he'll be running a set of group sessions for his students that morning/afternoon (four time zones for the course really make life interesting).

Then a new student turned up! He'd applied through studera.nu, but the information hadn't filtered through to me yet. This is just one of those problems you have to deal with on on-line courses: we have an administrative system which is still geared to the rather slower world we had before we started using computers. Fortunately, I heard about him before I sent out the revised schedule for Thursday, so I could include his details on that.

Then one of the students contacted me by phone to check on some details of using Second Life. It was the exact way you set a landmark, and the details of connecting up her audio chat. I went into SL and on to Kamimo and sent her a teleport invitation. When she appeared, we checked that she knew how to Landmark the site and how to find the landmark again. We also checked the audio - which worked fine.

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