Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Today's (and yesterday's) contacts

Yesterday I had a call from one of the students. She lives in Lund, and has actually already studied 37.5hp with me - without me every having met her! She was having problems accessing SL, so we went through the possible problems: has she downloaded the program; has she installed it; are the preferences correctly set? We tried to meet on Kamimo, but failed. (She actually got the message twisted - we were supposed to meet today, not yesterday). The program crashed when she tried to open it … which is an indication that she might not be using the right computer! I referred her to Bryan's slide show (on the podcasts site) and gave her a bit of advice about limiting the use of her RAM. Sounds like she's going to have terminal problems … but this afternoon will tell all!

Alexandra dropped by with some video tapes and we managed to get her reimbursed in cash!

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