Friday, 8 February 2008

Catching up on the news

Yesterday was Course Launch day, and I'll make a more detailed post about that later. Right now, I'll just record what's happened since I last posted.

There's been another drop-out (the student in question is already studying 15hp with me on other courses, and she feels she doesn't have time for this too). It's cut one of the time zones out, though!

I've also had a couple of interesting conversations with colleagues about the course (some of whom are actually on the course), mostly about the affective aspects of what we're doing. I'm really going out on a limb with this course on a personal level too. We teachers almost never do our work in the presence of other experts (i.e. other teachers), unlike just about every other job and profession there is. We can sit at meetings and pontificate, but it's a whole other experience having your colleagues seeing you through the eyes of a student! Their feedback is going to be very interesting - and very important. It extends the Johari window of personal development into the area of things I don't know about myself, but others do.

This is undoubtedly going to put extra stress on me as a teacher … but I think I can cope!

Apart from that, this is the week from Hell. I started 54 students on an on-line course the day before, and rushed almost straight from this Course Launch into my first live session with Adobe Connect. Still, things will calm down soon, and I'll be able to get on with the more relaxed contact with students next week.

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