Friday, 8 February 2008

Course Launch: sense impressions

Good grief! (OK, I've got it out now!)

I'm going to record my subjective impressions here, and then post again later with a more 'technical' post about how things went.

Well … being a teacher was like playing a complicated piece on a church organ, whilst baking a cake and working out a chess problem in your head! It was fun, though.

Firstly, a big 'thank you' to Dr Bryan Carter and his students from Missouri. My computer started playing up as the second group of students arrived, but Bryan took over smoothly and assigned his students to my students.

It was like being at a large and noisy cocktail party at times, but I knew that my teaching style would have to be very direct and clear in this environment (at least when I'm actually teaching). It made me think of the greater discipline an abstract painter needs, compared with someone who paints conventionally and has all the forms and rules to lean on. I like abstract better myself, though I can imagine how disruptive and frightening this environment could feel like for a teacher who's used to leaning on a lectern and just lecturing.

I *think* that everyone got on OK, though I've got a couple of 'reassuring' mails to write today to people who had different degrees of technical difficulties. What I felt happened was that people became very quickly at ease in the environment - and started hanging out with each other, just as they do in RL. It'll be interesting to see how this develops.

OK, breakfast time now - and another busy day.

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